Michael Goodman, MD, FACOG, AACS, NCMP, IF, CCD
Dr. Michael Goodman is in a private practice of Integrative gynecology, menopausal and sexual medicine, and female genital plastic/cosmetic surgery in Davis, CA. In addition to being an experienced clinician with more than 800 genital plastic surgical procedures performed as well as an experienced laser and RF clinician, Dr. Goodman has published more than 15 academic papers including 8 in the field of female genital plastic/cosmetic surgery. He is the author of 3 popular books on menopause and genital plastics (most recently the eBook 'You want TO DO WHAT? WHERE?' ) and is the editor of the new medical textbook from Wiley-Blackwell, 'Female Genital Plastic and Cosmetic Surgery.' Through the Labiaplasty and Vaginoplasy Training Institute of America™, Dr. Goodman has trained more than 40 surgeons for 20 U.S. states and 5 foreign countries.

Course Description
Dr. Goodman teaches a 2-day, 16 hour intensive Masters Course for surgeons, teaching the basics and the fine points covering the field of female genital plastic and cosmetic procedures and surgery. Courses include didactic lectures on ethics, patient acquisition, marketing and SEO, training office staff, understanding what to and what not to do, and the understanding of 'right procedure on the right person for the right reasons'. Dr. Goodman, with the aid of exceptional visual material, including complete full-length surgical videos of different labiaplasty/hood reduction techniques, and complete aesthetic vaginal tightening operations, teaches both the basics, the "Rules", and the finer points of cometic genital surgery. Also included is information on the use (and misuse) of minimally invasive laser and RF technology and the burgeoning uses of platelet-rich plasma, including the O-Shot®.
To learn more about Dr. Goodman's Courses:

Contact Dr. Goodman's Office
Office: 530-753-2787
Email: info@drmichaelgoodman.com

Location and Accommodations
Training sessions are held every four months (February, June, and October) at the Homewood Suites Hotel and Conference Center near Sacramento International Airport (SMF).
A block of rooms has been arranged (when available at a discounted rate) for trainees and office staff members, if desired. All meals and snacks are included in the price of the course.

"Real-world useful knowledge specific to me! I saw everything I needed. I should have done it sooner. A great course! Impressed with the time Dr. Goodman spends with his trainees. OUTSTANDING Organization of the course."
-Kevin O'Grady

"Great Course; very easy-going atmosphere. I learned labiaplasty, vaginoplasty, O-Shot® and [how to] pick the best procedure for my patients... I most liked the small intimate group size [which] made for easier learning [in a] perfect setting/mix of lectures and "chit-chat..." The location and logistics provided easy access [...from airport...]."
-Randy Royal, MD