FULL. CLOSED. Dr. Charles Runels' Workshop:
O-Shot®, Vampire Facelift®, Vampire Facial®, Vampire Hair®, Vampire Breast Lift®, & Priapus Shot® Procedure, & Marketing

Combine the principles of Leonardo with the latest science to produce the most beautiful results with Botox, Fillers, and blood-derived growth factors.
Even though the techniques and ideas behind this workshop involve concentration and focus, the teaching is done in a relaxed and casual way using some of my best friends and patients as models. You will be treated with respect and honor and courtesy while learning from me.
Here's what you get with this workshop:
- Gives you the skills to do the Vampire Facelift (R) Procedure.
- Gives you the skills to do the Vampire Breast Lift (TM) procedure.
- How to become the least painful Botox injector in your town.
- How to do the O-Shot (R) [assumes able to do a comfortable pelvic exam] which is rapidly growing in popularity (presently getting more internet traffic than the Vampire Facelift (R))
- Priapus Shot (R) taught.
- 8 Strategies for doubling the number of injections you do per day for about $30 per month (and then doubling again and again until you easily make more then $100,000 per year with your injection practice). This alone will bring you more profit (in addition to better service to your patients) than any course you've ever seen. I do my own website, my own search engine optimization, my own YouTube videos, and email newsletter. I'll show you how you can do the same with little time and simply a phone and a lap-top computer and make back the money you paid for this course within 2 weeks.
- The Key to all of this is that YOU WILL BE TAKING BETTER CARE OF YOUR PATIENTS--the reward becomes a more profitable practice.
- How to look at the face and identify the most beautiful and the most distracting parts of the face and then talk comfortably with the patient about what can be done.
- How to inject the lower face with botox with confidence (to treat gummy smile, soften periorbital lines and marionette's lines, and orange peel chins).
- How to do the Vampire Facelift (TM), how injecting platelet rich fibrin matrix you must use a different technique than Juvederm and how to explain this to your patients (the Vampire Facelift TM). This training gives you the skills to be on VampireFacelift.com
- How to create beautiful mouths (and never make duck mouths or bird beaks). Here you learn to apply the proportions as described by Leonardo da Vinci--how to translate art into medical practice.
- A review of basic injection techniques and how to choose the best filler for the job.
- How to use the various fillers to sculpt the face not only back to a more youthful appearance but also to a more aesthetically pleasing state: includes the brow, the nose, the jaw, the ear lobes, under the eyes.
- How to use your iPhone and your computer to best document and market your results.
- Hands on and didactic from 9am-9 pm on Day 1 and from 9 am until 3 pm on Day 2.
(small monthly fee applies if wish to use trademarked names as part of marketing)
& 20 minutes:
Notice that you see injection marks in the cheek and not in the naso-labial folds. By augmenting the cheeks, I was able to pull out the nasolabial folds while creating a higher, more glamorous "cheek bone."
Also, notice that she has a gull shaped brow (in the after photo) from the filler before the botox I gave her even had time to work.
This woman only asked me to treat the naso-labial folds by injecting those and did not even notice or know that I could treat all the rest:
1) straighten and narrow the nose,
2) augment the cheeks,
3) augment the brow,
4) straighten her mouth,
5) take the tired out of her eyes by filling the tear troughs, and
6) finally, as a side-effect of all the rest, make her naso-labial folds disappear.
When you leave my course, you will have the knowledge to do all of the above, and to become the best injector in your town.
Guarantee: If you do not feel like you will more than pay for this course within 30 days of your arrival home, you can walk out at the end of the first day and get a full refund.
This from previous attendees...
"I wanted to let you know how much I thoroughly enjoyed your class on Vampire FaceLift (TM), advanced facial fillers and Botox cosmetic injections. I feel so comfortable with all of the injection techniques you taught and I feel very comfortable taking this back to Dallas with me. I have been to many marketing classes directed towards medical spas and I have never learned as much about Internet marketing as I did from you. Thanks again for all of your information and the many long hours you spent with me."
William A Moore
Advanced Skin Fitness
Dallas, Texas
IMPORTANT: I'm only accepting a small number of people in this course so that I will be able to give as much attention as possible to each person and coach them through live injections. The computer will automatically shut down registration after the quota is reached.
Membership at the American Cosmetic Cellular Medicine Association and attendance at this course qualifies you for listing at VampireFacelift.com and gives you access to review videos in the members-only section of the ACCMA.
No video or audio recording is allowed during these events. This is cosmetic work, not the healing of horrific disease, so I have no ethical reasons to facilitate the easy broadcasting of these ideas and techniques. These are very valuable and closely guarded techniques.
I'd be honored to meet you soon and to help you serve your patients better and find more joy and art and financial reward in your cosmetic practice.
Peace & health,
Charles Runels, MD
Money Back if Not Completely Satisfied
(Questions? 251-648-7704
Dr Runels is also available for private, one-on-one teaching and for on-site teaching at your clinic...
Call 888-920-5311 to inquire